Hello hello! Mod Tango here to kick off the creepypastas that started all of this, as you know.
This is.. less of a creepypasta, and more of a. Lost media callout!

The following ones are moreso creepypastas, some being just like this one too, but, let's just start this off right!

This is "The Halloween Hack"

Not much is known about it, but it's a hacked version of a third generation game. The video covering it is currently Lost, it was an old screamer video from around.. 2011 to 2015?

I very distinctly know how I found it. I loved watching and looking up pokemon tutorial and fun facts videos, and I found it on some site saying that it was a way to get Arceus in your Pokemon Sapphire/Ruby.

Everyone's allowed to be a dumb kid okay?!? Shut it! Don't tease me about this!

The video was all in black and white. It ran for about 10-20 minutes. There was no player sprite but you could hear it was walking, and just... walking. As time went on the video became more and more distorted and weird. Reading through comments and retellings, some have stated they heard quiet sobbing in the background.
By the time it reached the end, I saw a strange looking sprite with yellow hair, the only hint of color in the "hack".

I turned away before the screamer happened and ran off to my dad because I was so scared.

I really wish I didn't turn away. The curiosity of what it was kills me whenever I think about it. Realistically, it was probably just the exorcist girl again but. I feel like it wasn't.

The images provided are from old, defunct links I found on google a long while ago, stemming from dailymotion... I can't find the source, but they're all I can provide.

If you find anything, or have any questions, feel free to reach out!